Unwar Community Service Team Provides Training on Compiling Simple Financial Reports and Online Marketing for Leather Craft Businesses in Bali

April 12, 2023 |
Peace and Justice Strong Institutions
Unwar Community Service Team Provides Training on Compiling Simple Financial Reports and Online Marketing for Leather Craft Businesses in Bali
Unwar Community Service Team Provides Training on Compiling Simple Financial Reports and Online Marketing for Leather Craft Businesses in Bali

April 12, 2023 - Mangupura,  baliwakenews.com

To increase sales and improve financial reports for MSMEs, the Warmadewa University Community Partnership Program Team (PKM Unwar) provides training on preparing simple financial reports and online marketing for leather craft businesses in  Bali . The Unwar PKM Team consisting of I Gusti Ayu Ratih Permata Dewi, SE, M.Si, Putu Yudha Asteria Putri, SE, M.Si and Putu Gede Wahyu Satya Nugraha, ST, MT., targeted the BLW Collection located in Mengwi District, Badung Regency, owned by Ida Ayu Nyoman Suastini, as a partner. I Gusti Ayu Ratih Permata Dewi, SE, M.Sc., provided assistance in making profit and loss bookkeeping. Putu Yudha Asteria Putri, SE, M.Sc., provided assistance in calculating production costs and Putu Gede Wahyu Satya Nugraha, ST, MT., provided assistance in making product catalogs and providing recommendations for more attractive store interior designs.

The PKM activity also involved 4 active students from Warmadewa University, namely I Made Deo Mahesa Yoga, Kadek Manik Alingga Purwa Ambara, Ida Ayu Sri Ratih Sukmasih and Ni Komang Adelia Putri. "Community service at BLW Collection Leather Craft aims to overcome problems faced by partners related to developing their businesses," said I Gusti Ayu Ratih Permata Dewi. Seeing the problems faced by partners, solutions that can be offered to overcome these partner problems include training in making simple financial report books. "Well-presented financial reports, namely reports that are understandable, relevant, reliable, and comparable, will be useful in decision-making for both external and internal parties of the company. The decisions taken can affect the company's performance and image in the future," explained Putu Yudha Asteria Putri, SE, M.Si. Financial reports can have a positive impact on the development of MSMEs.

Through Financial Reports, MSME owners can obtain systematic data and information on their businesses, thus helping in decision making. In financial reports, problems that occur in a business can be clearly identified so that it is very helpful to carry out controls on problems that arise. However, many MSMEs in Indonesia have not used or implemented good and correct financial governance according to their business for various reasons. "Usually, MSME owners do not have accounting knowledge, also because MSME owners are not accustomed to using accounting in their financial management," he said. The implementation of this program is carried out through an individual approach. This individual approach begins by exploring the partner's understanding of bookkeeping.

After exploring the partner's understanding of bookkeeping, it is then continued by providing material and understanding of what a simple financial book looks like and what the contents of a simple financial book are. Then, partners are invited to find out what is needed if they want to know how much net profit is generated and how much real costs are spent and to make a simple financial report book. After providing an understanding, partners are then given a blank book to be invited to compile a simple financial report book, namely a profit and loss report.

This approach emphasizes partners to be able to create a simple financial report book. Partners are accompanied by a team of proposers (head of proposers) to compile a simple financial report book. Partners will be guided and assisted to record everything related to expenses and income in the production and marketing process of leather crafts including the amount of wages to be paid to their workers.