Improving English and Public Speaking Skills, Unwar Holds PKM at DKLH Bali Province

May 01, 2021 |
Quality Education
Improving English and Public Speaking Skills, Unwar Holds PKM at DKLH Bali Province
Improving English and Public Speaking Skills, Unwar Holds PKM at DKLH Bali Province


Through the Community Partnership Program (PKM) Warmadewa University, provides Training and Improvement of English Language and Public Speaking Skills for employees of the regional technical implementation unit (UPTD) of the Bali Provincial Forestry and Environmental Service waste disposal site. The event, which was held for 8 meetings, began on Tuesday, April 20, 2021 at the Bali Provincial Forestry & Environmental Service Meeting Room. Head of the Community Partnership Program (PKM) Team Unwar Dr. I Wayan Budiarta, SS., M.Hum., said that the activity was an implementation of the Tri Dharma of Higher Education, especially the Third Dharma, namely Community Service. Furthermore, it was said that the Community Partnership Program activity was in order to provide training to improve English language skills and Public speaking considering that Bali is a Tourism Area, of course English language skills for all groups are highly expected.  "We are conducting a Community Partnership Program (PKM) at the UPTD Waste Disposal Site of the Bali Provincial Ministry of Environment and Forestry regarding the problems faced in this Office, especially regarding visits from Foreign Citizens who come to review or just visit the TPA. This makes it difficult for employees to communicate. "Therefore, our role here is to share knowledge in order to improve English and public speaking skills," he said.  In addition, he said that before the community partnership program (PKM) was established, community service activities had been carried out previously. He hopes that this program can provide new understanding and knowledge related to English and Public Speaking for all levels of employees at the UPTD Waste Disposal Site of the Bali Provincial Environmental Office. Head of UPTD Waste Disposal Site of DKLH Bali Province Ni Made Armadi, SP, M.Si, welcomed the PKM activity held by Warmadewa University. According to him, the PKM activity was a breath of fresh air for his staff, both those on duty in the field and in the office. According to him, this activity to improve English and public speaking skills is very important. Especially in order to provide information to external stakeholders such as government policies regarding waste management in Bali Province. "I really appreciate this activity, Considering Bali as a Tourism Area, the problem of waste needs more attention. Moreover, we often get visits from international guests, if they are not able to communicate in English well, of course the information will not be conveyed well," he said. For that reason, he hopes that the Community Partnership Program activities can provide good and correct English language knowledge and pronunciation in public speaking.

author : Dr. I Wayan Budiarta, S.S., M.Hum

public-speaking english