Model of Strengthening Institutional Capacity of Participatory Development Planning

July 09, 2021 |
Peace and Justice Strong Institutions
Model of Strengthening Institutional Capacity of Participatory Development Planning
Model of Strengthening Institutional Capacity of Participatory Development Planning

Good planning is the beginning of successful implementation of development in every village. The spirit of village development planning starts from the bottom (bottom up) and is participatory. Planning implemented by the village government is expected to have cooperation with residents and other stakeholders. Planning should really be made carefully. There is an analogy that bad planning is the same as planning for failure, therefore development planning must involve all components of society in the village. Therefore, it is very much needed to have qualified capacity from various parties involved in making an aspirational development plan based on community participation. Good planning in the sense of aspirational and participatory is expected to be able to realize quality development results in line with the expected goals. The principle of autonomy is based on the assumption that closer governance is better, because it will result in governance that is run more precisely, faster and cheaper. At the village level, it can mean that the village government and village community must know their own village better, it really needs to be proven now.


The village has been given the opportunity and at the same time is required to better recognize its potential and identity, and is able to generate creativity and innovative thinking to build the village towards the welfare of its people. The Village Government must be much more responsible for the development of its village and no longer just wait for instructions from the superior government. The success of development in each village will also mean the success of Indonesia's development as a whole. This means that building Indonesia can start from each village. Village development planning activities through the Village Development Planning Deliberation (Musrenbangdes) are a product of aspirational deliberation and must be sensitive to the needs of the community. Through a bottom-up approach, the community has a great opportunity to convey their aspirations. The results of the deliberation are to mobilize resources and get support for the implementation of program activities later. A meaningful Musrenbang will be able to build understanding about the interests and progress of the village, by photographing the potential that is owned and development sources that are not available both from within and outside the village. Planning should be truly mature.


There is a saying that bad planning is the same as planning for failure, so development planning must involve all leading sectors including at the village level. Democratic governance is also expected to be realized at the lowest or foremost level of government service, namely at the village level. This democratic spirit is carried out by the Village Consultative Body. The success of development implementation at the village level is basically determined by the extent to which the government and village community are committed and consistent in working together to build the village. The success of development carried out in a participatory manner starting from planning, implementation to monitoring and evaluation will better guarantee the sustainability of development in the village. On the other hand, problems and distrust of each other will easily arise when all communication and information space for the community is inadequate.


The Government Science Study Program, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Warmadewa University has taken a real step through Community Service activities in Sukawati Village, Gianyar District, Gianyar Regency with the theme "Model for Strengthening Institutional Capacity in Participatory Development Planning". This service activity is indeed intended to provide understanding and training in order to strengthen the institutional capacity of various parties (stakeholders) involved in making more aspirational planning in the Village. The purpose of this community service is to help realize participatory planning that is in line with the principles of substantial democracy in the Village and to improve understanding and thinking skills related to Strengthening Institutional Capacity in Participatory Development Planning in the Village. The main targets of this community service activity are village officials, BPD, Bendesa of Sukawati Traditional Village, LPM, community leaders, Kelian Banjar Adat and Head of Hamlet, PKK, and Karang Taruna in Sukawati Village.