14/05/2023. The sale of broiler chicken meat among the general public has so far been considered to be carried out conventionally and ignores hygiene factors. Broiler chicken products are only sold using black plastic bags without being pressed.
In addition, the management of broiler chicken businesses has not been carried out properly, meaning that it is still done conventionally. "Generally, they do not have knowledge of the value of carcasses and broiler chicken meat that they sell. This limited knowledge causes them to sell the broiler chickens with a very low level of hygiene," said Academician of the Faculty of Agriculture-Warmadewa University (FP-Unwar) Ir. Ni Made Yudiastari, M.Si on the sidelines of the Community Service (PKM) activity in Batursari Village, Blahbatuh - Gianyar on Saturday (13/5).
According to him, consumers generally want chicken meat according to their preferences, so it is very important for both producers and traders to pay attention to what consumers' preferences are for chicken meat so that they can satisfy consumers.
Consumers in certain areas prefer small broiler chickens or weighing less than 1 kg per head, on the other hand there are also consumers who prefer large broiler chickens or weighing more than 2.0 kg per head. Small broiler chickens are mostly in demand by household consumers, while large broiler chickens are used for processing processed products such as satay, opor, and soto.
Yudiastari said that broiler chicken meat is a food ingredient that has good nutritional content for human needs. The cheap price, delicious taste and aroma, soft texture and relatively easy to get in the market make broiler chicken meat an alternative food ingredient that is liked by almost everyone.
He added that based on data from the Organization of Economic Cooperation and Development, Indonesian chicken meat consumption was only 8.1 kilograms (kg) per capita in 2021. Domestic consumption is still below the world average of 14.9 kg per capita. The healthy lifestyle adopted by modern society today demands the provision of food needs that have good nutritional value for human needs.