June 5, 2024 Warmadewa University (Unwar) held a Community Partnership Program (PKM) for farmers in Tihingan Village, Banjarangkan District, Klungkung Regency. The team provided counseling and direct training on making salted eggs and processing discarded duck meat into braised duck and frozen duck on Sunday, May 19, 2024. Community service with the Head of the Activity Implementation, Ir. Ni Ketut Sri Rukmini, MP, and Team Member Ir. Ni Ketut Etty Suwitari, M.Si, provided training to the Owner of Duck Farming UMKM, I Wayan Budiasa along with 13 other people, by presenting a resource person, Ir. Made Yudiastari, M.Si. Sri Rukmini explained that processing is generally intended not only to preserve meat, but also for flavor variations, storage and to increase benefits so that its commercial value increases.
With the development of science and technology and business in the field of animal husbandry, female Balinese ducks have begun to become the prima donna in animal husbandry in Indonesia, especially in Bali, because the demand for duck meat and eggs is quite large. However, in its development, there are obstacles faced by female Balinese duck meat, namely the aroma which some consumers find fishy, the color of the meat is less attractive and tough, and the carcass percentage is low. "One of the things that needs to be considered in utilizing duck meat is the effort to diversify its processing so that it can provide added value for farmers or processors. In addition, to increase the consumption of animal protein from livestock, especially female Balinese ducks," said Sri Rukmini, Wednesday, May 5, 2024 at the Unwar Campus.
Furthermore, it is said that post-harvest handling of meat is important because it affects the nutritional content of the product and consumer safety. Some efforts that can be made are by processing duck meat in the form of various dishes or preserved forms. "Diversification of processed duck meat is one of the efforts to improve the distinctive taste, for example made into shredded meat, sausage, meatballs, jerky and so on. With the increasing interest of consumers to consume processed food quickly and for a long time, currently known as Frozen food which is a term for food that is frozen with the aim of preserving food until it is ready to eat, "he said.
Since ancient times, farmers, fishermen, and hunters have preserved their produce in unheated buildings during the winter. Freezing slows decomposition by converting the remaining moisture to ice and inhibiting the growth of most species of bacteria. Likewise, processed female Balinese ducks can now be made with hygienic packaging and can be consumed by the public without having to process them themselves. "We assist one of the female Balinese duck breeders who is a supplier of duck eggs in Klungkung Regency, namely I Wayan Budiasa. Currently, Mr. Wayan has around 200 female Balinese ducks, the eggs are directly sold to the market or taken by collectors to be sent outside the Klungkung area," he explained.
Lack of knowledge in producing processed products from female Balinese duck eggs or processed products from female Balinese ducks makes them just sell them. So the income obtained is not optimal, sometimes only enough to cover production costs. Processing of livestock products, especially female Balinese duck eggs, is an alternative to increase the nutritional value of the community. The processing technology used is simple and can be applied at the production center farmer's location.
With post-harvest handling technology, namely processing of products, marketing can be improved. In addition to obtaining added value, processing activities also open up opportunities for the development of agribusiness in rural areas. Etty Suwitari explained that the management of the pen and management of the farmer I Wayan Budiasa, is quite good supported by the sufficient number of duck livestock population with the profits obtained not yet maximized. In addition to processed products of female Balinese duck eggs, other processed products for female Balinese ducks that are retired as female Balinese ducks for meat if they are no longer productive, can be made into ready-to-eat food, one of which is frozen food. "Mr. Wayan has 8 workers who come from people around his house. The marketing pattern relies on word of mouth because of limited ability and understanding of the marketing system," said Etty Suwitari.