Unwar Community Service Team Conducts Community Service to Increase Added Value of Herbal Medicine Processing

June 11, 2021 |
No Poverty
Unwar Community Service Team Conducts Community Service to Increase Added Value of Herbal Medicine Processing
Unwar Community Service Team Conducts Community Service to Increase Added Value of Herbal Medicine Processing

The Warmadewa University Community Partnership Program Team (PKM Unwar) assisted a community group in Petang Village, Badung, in increasing the added value of herbal medicine processing. The Head of the PKM Unwar Team, I Ketut Selamet, SE., M.Sc., together with members of the PKM Unwar Team, said that the activity managed by the Petang Village residents formed in the Swadaya Putri Women Farmers Group (KWT) processed rempang plants into herbal medicine products. By raising the theme "Mentoring Herbal Medicine Product Business from Rempang Plants, as an Effort to Increase the Added Value of Agricultural Products in Petang Village, Petang District, Badung Regency" the Head of the PKM Team together with members Ni Putu Pertamawati, SE., MM., from FEB Unwar and Ir. I Made Suarta, MP., from FP Unwar tried to help KWT Swadaya Putri in increasing the added value of herbal medicine products. Furthermore, the Head of the PKM Team, I Ketut Selamet, SE., M.Sc., who is a lecturer from FEB Unwar explained that the herbal medicine produced by this group is marketed in the Petang area and outside Petang in powder form. "The basic ingredients for processed herbal medicine are obtained from red ginger, white turmeric, and temu plants in the gardens of group members and local residents, so that they can provide job opportunities and added value for local residents," he said.


The PKM program carried out by the Unwar group provides education and training in expanding product marketing, product packaging strategies to make them attractive, and helps to facilitate obtaining BPOM permits for group processed products. Furthermore, the team leader said that with continuous assistance from various parties to the KWT Swadaya Putri which has been running for 15 years (since it was pioneered in 2006), it is hoped that it can be used as an example by other community members to develop other business groups so that the strengthening of the people's economy is built around the local village. Head of LPM Unwar, Dr. I Wayan Wesna Astara, SH., MH., M.Hum., said that the local product business of Petang village residents which became PKM Unwar is one form of SMEs which is used as a job opportunity for local residents, especially for housewives. "Processed herbal medicine products during the pandemic will be in high demand by the public as traditional medicine to increase body immunity. With this condition, orders and consumption of processed herbal medicine by residents will increase," he said. The basic ingredients used and the processing process using household tools make this business easy to implement by residents. In addition, the processing of basic ingredients into finished products does not produce waste because the waste of herbal medicine dregs is used as a means of ceremony that has a selling value. "The Unwar PKM Team will later help facilitate the BPOM permit for this herbal medicine product so that its marketing can be expanded and can convince consumers of the quality of this product," he said. In the PKM Monitoring and Evaluation, residents also practiced processing herbal medicine from basic ingredients of Red Ginger into herbal medicine powder that is ready to be sold