Unwar Community Service Team Works on Pararem in Antap Gawang Traditional Village

May 14, 2021 |
Peace and Justice Strong Institutions
Unwar Community Service Team Works on Pararem in Antap Gawang Traditional Village
Unwar Community Service Team Works on Pararem in Antap Gawang Traditional Village

Even though the COVID-19 pandemic is still hitting this country, it has not made this famous campus in the LLDIKTI VIII environment recede from its activities. As an implementation of the Tri Dharma of Higher Education, especially the third Dharma, Warmadewa University continues to strive to implement the Community Service (PKM) program. One of the activities is empowering communities in the village which is carried out by a Team from the Law Study Program, namely carrying out assistance in writing Pararem in the Antap Gawang Traditional Village, Belatungan Village, Pupuan District, Tabanan Regency. The Head of the Implementation Team for the Partnership Program of the Faculty of Law, Unwar, I Ketut Sukadana, SH, MH, explained that he and the team members, namely Luh Putu Suryani, SH, MH and Ni Made Puspasutari Ujianti, SH, MH, provided counseling on the importance of awig-awig and pararem as well as providing assistance in writing the Pararem.


The background of this program according to the Team Leader who is a senior lecturer in Customary Law at the Faculty of Law, Unwar, is because the Antap Gawang Customary Village as a Partner, although since 1996 has had customary laws, does not yet have a pararem to enforce customary laws. If a customary law is not equipped with a pararem, it will be difficult to implement and enforce by the prajuru. Furthermore, it was said that the existence of this pararem is very important when connected with Regional Regulation No. 4/2019 concerning Traditional Villages in Bali and makes it easier for traditional leaders to implement awig-awig because the sanctions for people who violate it are clearly stated. In the mentoring program, 49 Pararems that were successfully created to record awig were made with the scope of Sukerta Parahyangan, Palemahan and Pawongan. Furthermore, the pararem needs to be ratified through the village council and broadcast to the traditional community. Meanwhile, the Head of Antap Gawang Traditional Village, I Nyoman Alit Sudarsana, welcomed the program and expressed his gratitude to Warmadewa University for this very useful activity. In fact, according to him, Warmadewa is the first university to conduct a community service program in his village and hopes that similar programs can be continued in the future.