2024-05-23. Denpasar (Atnews) - The Government Science Study Program, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Warmadewa University (Unwar) held a Community Partnership Empowerment (PKM) with a Community-Based Empowerment (PBM) scheme. The theme of this PKM is "Collaborative Governance in the Restorative Justice (RJ) House Program" in Sumerta Kelod Village, East Denpasar, Wednesday (5/22). The event was attended by parties related to RJ, namely the Head of the Community Service Team, Dr. Drs. I Wayan Gede Suacana, M.Sc., Speaker I Putu Hadi Pradnyana, S.IP., M.Sc., Lecturer of the Government Science Study Program, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Unwar Denpasar, Head of Sumerta Kelod Village I Gusti Ketut Anom Suardana.
The discussion was moderated by a Lecturer of Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Unwar, Drs. I Wayan Sudana, M.Sc. Sumerta Kelod Village is increasingly known to the world after the success of the CEO of Spacex and Tesla Inc. Elon Musk together with the Indonesian Minister of Health, Budi Gunadi Sadikin officially launched Starlink at the Assistant Health Center, Sumerta Kelod Village, Denpasar City on Sunday, May 19, 2024. For this reason, public services in Sumerta Kelod Village are getting better and becoming an example for other villages in the country. In addition, the Sumerta Kelod Village Head Office, Denpasar City was chosen as the Restorative Justice (RJ) house for the Denpasar District Attorney's Office.
The RJ launch was held on Thursday, April 7, 2022, which was attended by the Head of the Bali High Prosecutor's Office (Kejati), the Mayor of Denpasar, the Head of the District Attorney's Office and the Head of the Denpasar District Court. The RJ House was inaugurated by the Bali High Prosecutor's Office as a form of response to the orders of the Attorney General of the Republic of Indonesia and the Deputy Attorney General for General Crimes for the Denpasar District Attorney's Office. According to the direction of the Attorney General of the Republic of Indonesia, all District Attorney's Offices in Indonesia have RJ houses. This is so that problems can be resolved through peaceful efforts and prioritizing local wisdom.
The spirit of the RJ house is the application of the nation's noble values, so that in its implementation it is easy to adapt by implementing living law in society. Gede Suacana said that the RJ House is not only a place to resolve various problems in society, but also a place to discuss and implement government and community programs so that everyone can use it as the function of the village hall or bale banjar. The RJ House was created as a place for community deliberation before entering the realm of law enforcement. It is undeniable that restorative justice has become one of the alternatives for resolving criminal cases under the threat of five years.
The formation of the RJ is expected to be an example to revive the role of community leaders, religious leaders and traditional leaders to work together in law enforcement by exploring and absorbing the values of the local wisdom of Vasudaiva Kuthumbakam that grows and develops in Balinese society. The development of collaborative governance mechanisms that come from various potentials by involving stakeholders to handle various problems in governance including the RJ Program. The implementation of the RJ program of the Sumerta Kelod Village Government is expected to synergize with collaborative governance practices by involving stakeholders in sharing responsibility in resolving this case through the concept of restorative resolution based on the values of the local wisdom of Vasudaiva Kuthumbakam which prioritizes harmonious life in the community environment.
Therefore, the event was able to develop Collaborative Governance in the implementation of the Restorative Justice House Program in Sumerta Kelod Village. Assisting the efforts of the Sumerta Kelod Village Government to increase the involvement of stakeholders in the RJ program. As well as encouraging problems to be resolved through peace efforts and prioritizing Balinese local wisdom, namely Vasudaiva Kuthumbakam through the spirit of the RJ house which adapts by implementing living law in society.
The target group for this community service activity is the Sumerta Kelod Village Apparatus, Village Consultative Body (BPD), LPM, Karang Taruna, PKK, Kelian Dinas, STT, and community leaders and mediators who were invited as many as 80 people. In this Community Partnership Program, several approaches are offered that can help solve existing problems, namely by conducting counseling methods and in-depth discussions with the Village Head, Sumerta Kelod Village Apparatus, Village Consultative Body, and stakeholders and village community leaders. Meanwhile, Resource Person Hadi Pradnyana said, the steps to optimize the Restorative Justice House of Sumerta Kelod Village by prioritizing Education and Socialization.
Hold training and socialization sessions to introduce the concept of Restorative Justice to village officials and the community. Use various media (village meetings, brochures, social media) to explain the benefits and mechanisms of Restorative Justice. In addition, the Formation of a Restorative Justice Team with a special team consisting of representatives of the village government, community leaders, youth, and women's representatives. Likewise, the Preparation of Procedures and Implementation Mechanisms. By creating clear guidelines or SOPs (Standard Operating Procedures) on how cases will be handled through the Restorative Justice approach. Determine the criteria for cases that can be handled by the Restorative Justice team.