A lecturer of Warmadewa University named A.A. Gede Raka Gunawarman conducted community service in Sulangai Village, a village located in Petang District, Badung Regency, Bali is a village rich in the natural panorama. Seeing how the potential for increasing tourist visits to Bali, and the existence of village-based tourism development policies, Sulangai Village through the village government is trying to direct the development of the village into a tourist destination by developing potential points of natural and cultural tourism in the village area.
Kancing Gumi Temple is one of the tourist attractions in Sulangai Village based on religious tourism, residential environment, and culture. The potential of the tourist attraction point of Kancing Gumi Temple in Sulangai Village is divided into three categories, namely: (1) the potential of Kancing Gumi Temple as a religious tourism destination; (2) the Residential Environment.
The problem of the readiness of these supporting facilities as a complement and means to carry out tourism activities in Sulangai Village is certainly a fundamental reason for this PKM activity to be carried out. Of course, some of the solutions offered will be related to the field of science of the implementing team, namely providing ideas or concepts in the form of planning and designing designs for each supporting facility requirement that is considered a priority.
The output of this PKM is in the form of a Community Service Journal, Online mass media publications, IPR, and video publications via YouTube. Kancing Gumi Temple which is included in one of the tourist attractions in Sulangai Village. At this point, there are still many shortcomings in tourism supporting facilities, including: - The entrance on the east side of Kancing Gumi Temple which is intended for pemedek as access to the jaba pura which is considered less effective in the future. - Because the east side entrance is still functioning, the main access or corridor from the temple housing is less popular with remodel or tourists who come. - Parking pockets that are not yet available in the temple area are also an obstacle for tourists who want to visit the tourist destination.