11 June 2023 - Bangli, dewatanews.com - Academics from the Faculty of Agriculture, Warmadewa University (FP-Unwar) invite orange farmers to increase the added value of agricultural products produced, especially Siamese oranges by processing them into jam. Processing into jam is an alternative step to minimize fruit wasted due to rotting during the main harvest and increase the shelf life of agricultural products. "The harvested Siamese oranges have so far only been sold fresh, not processed, so many rotten fruits are thrown away," said Academician of FP-Unwar Ir. Ni Komang Alit Astiari, M.Si., on the sidelines of training and mentoring for a series of Regional Superior Product Development Programs (PPPUD) in Kintamani-Bangli on Sunday (11/6).
According to Alit Astiari, the production of orange jam is to overcome the abundant fruit during the main harvest or during overproduction. Moreover, during the main harvest the selling price of oranges is low, ranging from 1,000 to 1,500 per kg, so many farmers let their oranges turn yellow on the tree and are not harvested. Alit Astiari revealed that the high vitamin and mineral content in oranges makes them offer a myriad of benefits for body health. One of the benefits of oranges is improving brain function. Oranges contain potassium, folate, and antioxidants that can help improve brain nerve function.
Several studies have shown that drinking orange juice can help reduce the risk of memory loss in men. In addition to improving brain function, oranges are beneficial for pregnant women and their fetuses. This is because oranges are a source of vitamin C, folate, and water needed by pregnant women. The high water content in an orange helps pregnant women stay hydrated. Alit Astiari admitted that efforts to process oranges into jam have been socialized to farmers and women farmers. One of them is to the Widya Pertiwi Women Farmers group in Belantih Village, Kintamani, Bangli. Meanwhile, the Head of the Women Farmers Group "Widya Pertiwi", Ni Wayan Sukarini, admitted that she was grateful for the counseling and direct practice of making orange jam provided by the Faculty of Agriculture, Unwar.
Counseling and direct practice increased the knowledge of the members of the Women Farmers Group in processing oranges when the fruit is abundant into products that have a longer shelf life to overcome the abundant fruit and no oranges are wasted, so that it can increase the income of the family or group. She admitted that she had never processed oranges into orange jam, the usual ones are pineapple and strawberry jam. However, through this counseling and direct practice provided by the Faculty of Agriculture, Unwar, she hopes that members of her women's farmer group will gradually start practicing orange processing for the needs of their own families and their groups.