Warmadewa Community Service Team Trains PKK Mothers to Prepare Simple Financial Reports

May 18, 2023 |
Gender Equality
Warmadewa Community Service Team Trains PKK Mothers to Prepare Simple Financial Reports
Warmadewa Community Service Team Trains PKK Mothers to Prepare Simple Financial Reports

May 18, 2023 - The Warmadewa University Community Partnership Program (PKM Unwar) Team provided training in preparing simple financial reports for PKK mothers in Banjar Bualu, Nusa Dua, Badung, on Thursday, May 18, 2023. The activity held at the local banjar hall was attended by I Gusti Ayu Ratih Permata Dewi SE, Msi, as a resource person in the training on preparing simple financial reports. "We provide examples and direct practice regarding simple financial reports.

At the same time, we distribute cash books for PKK Banjar Bualu mothers," said Ratih. Ratih hopes that with this activity, the PKK mothers of Banjar Bualu will be able to be independent in managing finances from the household scale to traditional activities. "I chose Banjar Bualu because of the many small business actors or UMKM. Not only that, our target is to help mothers overcome the problems faced in arranging partner finances," explained Ratih.

According to her, on average small business owners do not understand how to manage the finances obtained from their business. They generally combine personal finances and business finances. Because she said, good financial management is being able to understand and be responsible for the money from the business that is obtained. "It is better if you do have or will have a business, you must separate your personal finances from your business finances," suggested Ratih, who admitted that the activity involved 20 students.

Ratih further said, in addition to managing and separating business and personal finances, other materials presented were about debit and credit finances. "This training does not stop here, but will be followed up by the Warmadewa University PKM Team. And participants can consult for free via Whatsapp. Meanwhile, the Head of Bualu Village Environment Made (45) appreciated the training held by PKM Unwar. "I hope that with this training, our residents, especially business actors, can be more detailed in managing finances simply," said Made.