March 4, 2024. Kintamani, Work Lecture (KKN) was again carried out by Warmadewa University in 2024. In Period I, 500 students were spread across several districts/cities in Bali Province to hold Student Community Service (PMM) activities. One of the villages included in the KKN program period I is Catur Village, Kintamani District, Bangli Regency. 23 students consisting of Law, Public Administration and Civil Engineering students conducted KKN in Catur Village. The implementation from January 27, 2024 to February 26, 2024 carried the theme "Awakening the Potential of Catur Village Through Education and Ecotourism Innovation".
The KKN students were accompanied by Supervisor Dr. Ni Komang Ayu Agustini, ST, M.Eng. Head of Catur Village, I Wayan Sukarata, during the opening of the KKN which took place at the Village Office, explained that the potential of Catur Village lies in plantation ecotourism in the form of coffee, oranges, gemitir flowers and vegetables. "One of the obstacles in optimizing plantation production in our village is the poor road infrastructure, one of which is on Jalan Subak Abian Triguna Karya," he said. Through this KKN, the head of Catur Village hopes that with the presence of Warmadewa University students who are doing KKN, they can help the community in realizing road infrastructure.
Thus, it will be able to optimize the results of plantations in Catur Village. To achieve this goal, one of the work programs that has been carried out by the KKN students of Catur Village is mutual cooperation in spreading the concrete of Jalan Subak Abian Triguna Karya. The concrete spreading was carried out along 3 km with a width ranging from 70 cm to 1 m with funds coming from the Village fund. "This concrete spreading activity was carried out for almost a week with the assistance of Subak Desa members.
The improvement of this road infrastructure can accelerate the access of Subak members in the process of transporting plantation products," said Supervisor Dr. Ni Komang Ayu Agustini, ST, M.Eng. In addition to having the work program, KKN students of Catur Village also have several other work programs that have been carried out. First, the Education program which is realized in the Student Teaching Pancasila Education program at Catur State Elementary School.
"This program was pioneered by Law students targeting grade IV and V students. This student teaching is done every week on Monday, Tuesday, Friday and Saturday," explained Agustini. Second, the socialization program on the dangers of cyber crime and digitalization of village government pioneered by students of Public Administration Science by presenting resource person I Putu Hadi Pradnyana, S.IP., M.Si who is a Lecturer at the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Warmadewa University. Third, the design planning and budget plan program for the Catur Village Park infrastructure facilities pioneered by Civil Engineering students, where the output of this program is in the form of a proposal that will be used by Catur Village in submitting funds to related agencies.
"The last program that is certainly beneficial for Catur Village is the creation of a promotional video for Catur Village as a Tourism Village which shows the natural beauty of Catur Village as well as Catur Village tourism in the form of cultural acculturation, nature tourism and coffee plantation tourism in Catur Village," he concluded.