13 Nov 2023. CV.AMG Farm And Food Garden located in Banjar Manik Gunung Desa Selanbawak Kecamatan Marga Tabanan Regency, has the potential for the development of goat farming and organic culinary businesses. The goat farming and organic culinary businesses actually have great potential to generate profits supplied from various functions and benefits, for example for the Eid al-Adha holiday which is mostly supplied with meat for consumption, then goat manure and urine for organic plant fertilizer, goat milk is used for beauty, and goat skin is used for cult bags and so on. Business opportunities goat farming and organic culinary businesses at CV.AMG.Farm And Food Garden Banjar Manik Gunung can be developed and marketed in principle through online and offline media, can be combined with catering businesses, can also be combined with plantation businesses because goat manure and urine are used as organic fertilizers, and can work together with supermarket businesses, because garden products using organic fertilizers produce very good plant products and are beneficial for all human needs. However, what happened was that the goat farming business in Banjar Manik Gunung which already had around fifty goats, had collaborated with the Santila Boga Sanur company, as well as the organic culinary business which had employed almost most of them were local workers but in reality there was no written agreement made with the local workers it was only an oral agreement, meaning there was no certainty of rights and obligations clearly between the parties, this resulted in local workers being the disadvantaged party. Therefore, if the work agreement is not made in writing, the work agreement does not have legal certainty, it will be feared that when there is a risk that the parties will not receive legal protection for sure. T hen from the marketing aspect, goat farming and organic culinary businesses have carried out marketing through offline and online media, therefore, in the opinion of the devotee, with the development of marketing technology, goat farming businesses can be done through online media and need to be improved through YouTube, Instagram, FB and WA. |