Optimize natural resources Utilization, Lecturer Unwar Offers Integrated Coconut Management

June 26, 2024 |
Responsible Consumption and Production
Optimize natural resources Utilization, Lecturer Unwar Offers Integrated Coconut Management
Optimize natural resources Utilization, Lecturer Unwar Offers Integrated Coconut Management

26 June 2024 Denpasar, dewatanews.com - In order to optimize the utilization of available natural resources (SDA), especially coconut production, the Academic Faculty of Agriculture, Warmadewa University (FP-Unwar) offers integrated coconut processing. Coconuts are processed into pure coconut oil (VCO), dry grated coconut (serundeng) and other derivative products, namely activated charcoal. FP-Unwar academic, Ni Luh Putu Putri Setianingsih, S.Si., M.Si stated integrated processing as an effort to optimize the utilization of natural resources, as an effort to create a sustainable coconut utilization industry.

This strategy is also in an effort to create coconut processing that applies the concept of zero waste. "Coconut is a very valuable commodity because all its parts can be used, starting from the flesh, water, outer skin to the shell. Optimum processing and utilization of coconuts can improve the economic well-being of the local community," said Putri when confirmed in Denpasar on Wednesday (26/6).

Putri acknowledged that efforts to manage coconuts in a comprehensive manner have been socialized and implemented to the community, one of which is in Banjar Lantanidung, Sukawati, Gianyar, Bali. Socialization and training involving PKK, a series of community service programs. This program not only aims to improve the ability of coconut processing for the local community, but also focuses on the application of zero waste principles and sustainable VCO production.