PKM Unwar Helps Small Business Owners with Advertising Strategies

October 01, 2024 |
Quality Education
PKM Unwar Helps Small Business Owners with Advertising Strategies
PKM Unwar Helps Small Business Owners with Advertising Strategies

DENPASAR, – The role of social media is very helpful in online buying and selling. Language in advertising is also the spearhead so that the message to be conveyed is easily received and attracts consumers. Considering the importance of promotional language, the Master of Linguistics Study Program, Postgraduate Program, Warmadewa University (Prodi MIL PPs Unwar) through the PKM program has partnered with small entrepreneurs residing on Jalan Akasia, Denpasar. The Community Service Program (PKM) of Warmadewa University (Unwar) has been running since January 2021 at Warmadewa University, Jl. Terompong No. 24 Denpasar-Bali. This activity was carried out as a form of implementation and follow-up of PKM phase I. This activity was carried out based on an agreement between the Proposing Team and the Head of Acacia Traders with the hope of being able to improve promotional strategies for traders located in the Warmadewa University environment. The suboptimal performance of small business actors in the Unwar environment due to the impact of Covid-19 has resulted in several traders closing their businesses due to the decline in turnover obtained. In addition, there are also large-scale social restrictions that require social and physical distancing. This is the trigger for PKM Unwar to be implemented for small entrepreneurs around the Unwar Campus. Head of the PKM LPM Warmadewa University Team, Dr. I Gusti Ayu Agung Dian Susanthi, SS, M.Hum, explained that this community service aims to provide advertising language training to affected traders. "We intend to provide training in the form of how to market products online and provide language training in advertising on social media," he explained, Monday (10/21/2021). With this provision and training, the mother of two hopes to be able to help entrepreneurs in marketing their products through social media with more attractive advertising language, so that they can increase income during this pandemic.

The anxiety, Dian continued, due to Covid-19 has had a real impact on the economic conditions experienced by traders on Jalan Akasia. Therefore, the solution given to traders on Jalan Akasia is to take an approach in the form of socialization regarding the importance of utilizing advertising languages to support in and distribution in the form of banners, business cards and brochures that can improve marketing strategies or production of goods or services. This PKM is held in accordance with the vision and mission of Warmadewa University in order to improve welfare and build relationships and increase productivity between Warmadewa University and partnerships.

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business advertise