Empowerment Of Female Traders In Prevention of STIs And Hiv/AIDS In Payangan Market

November 11, 2023 |
Gender Equality
Empowerment Of Female Traders In Prevention of STIs And Hiv/AIDS In Payangan Market
Empowerment Of Female Traders In Prevention of STIs And Hiv/AIDS In Payangan Market

11 Nov. 2023 - The development of STIs (Sexually Transmitted Infections) and HIV/AIDS problems in both developed and developing countries is very worrying. STIs and HIV/AIDS are a group of diseases that are transmitted primarily through sexual intercourse. In addition to high-risk population groups, low-risk populations such as female traders in the market are also susceptible to STIs and HIV/AIDS. One place in Bali with high community interaction is the market, where the population is classified as a low-risk group. Payangan District, Gianyar Regency is an area with a fairly high incidence of STIs and HIV/AIDS because it is a tourist area.

From the results of interviews with cadres, several problems were found related to the STI and HIV/AIDS prevention program, namely the minimal information obtained by cadres and the low knowledge of cadres about preventing STIs and HIV/AIDS at the Payangan General Market, Payangan District, Gianyar Regency. The results of this activity were that the partner group played an active role in every PKM activity with a 100% attendance percentage and 100% active participation. All partner groups have been able to formulate “peer” activities for preventing STIs and HIV/AIDS in the Payangan General Market.

In the future, both partner groups can spearhead the recruitment of other partners as partners in carrying out “peer” activities for preventing STIs and HIV/AIDS in the Payangan General Market. Pradnyawati as a lecturer at Warmadewa University said that, Epidemiologically, this STI disease is spread in various countries throughout the world. The highest incidence of this STI disease is recorded in South Asia and Southeast Asia, followed by sub-Saharan Africa, Latin America and the Caribbean. Millions of cases of STI caused by viruses also occur every year (WHO, 2013). The increase in the incidence of STI and its spread throughout the world cannot be estimated precisely and with certainty.

In several countries, it is stated that the implementation of intensive counseling programs will reduce the incidence of STI or at least the incidence remains relatively constant. However, in most countries, the incidence of STI is still relatively high and every year there are several million new cases. These new cases are also accompanied by medical complications, including infertility, disability, disorders during pregnancy, growth disorders, cancer and even death. This requires treatment, so this will increase the cost of care. In addition, infection patterns have also changed, for example Chlamydia, Genital Herpes and Condyloma Acuminata infections in several countries tend to increase compared to Gonorrhea Urethritis and Syphilis. Several STIs are already resistant to antibiotics, for example the emergence of multiresistant strains of Neisseria gonorrhoe, Haemophylus ducreyi and Trichomonas vaginalis which are resistant to Metronidazole. 

Bali Province is one of the provinces in Indonesia and is a destination for travelers from all over the world, whether for tourism, business, work or study, and is also vulnerable to the spread and transmission of STIs. Based on data from the Bali Provincial Health Office, in 2011 there were 4,547 cases of STIs and increased in 2012 to 7,033 cases. In 2013 and 2014 there was also an increase, namely 9,202 cases and 14,923 cases, but there was a decrease in 2015, namely 5,698 cases (Bali Provincial Health Office, 2015). In addition to the high-risk population group, low-risk populations such as female traders in the market are also vulnerable to STIs and HIV/AIDS. One place in Bali with high community interaction is the market, where the population is classified as a low-risk group. Payangan District, Gianyar Regency is an area that is quite high in STI and HIV/AIDS incidents because it is one of the tourism areas. This is because Gianyar Regency is one of the favorite destinations for tourists visiting Bali from all over the world.